Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day: Thank You To Our Troops

Memorial Day.   In America this very special day is a day we remember those who have served our country with the highest honor - the honor of serving through military service.  Hundreds of thousands of men and women have served during our short time as a nation - many of them have given their lives for what they believed.  Those sacrifices are the very reason you and I are able to live in a world with a country like The United States of America.  A world where free enterprise is the predominant form of economy.  A world where capitalism is king.  A world with free markets that allow us to participate in the brilliant ideas of others.  Yes I believe with all my heart the sacrifice of our military is by all means one of the greatest contributions a person can make with their life.  

 I believe it not just because I'm an American but because to me it's personal.  Not because I have ever personally had the honor of serving, but my family has.  My grandfather fought with the US troops in World War II.  And this very day as I write this blog post my uncle Rodney Whaley is currently serving our country in his uniform in the nation of Kuwait.  I'm proud of these men.  They are more than family, they are heros to me.  Their core belief in what our country stands for and believes is the reason they have put their lives on the line.  And on this memorial day I choose to use the relatively small platform I have in the form of this blog to say thank you.  Thank you to to Uncle Rodney.  My Grandpa Whaley.  And thank you to everyone who has ever put on the uniform of the US military to help protect and defend our freedoms.  

 (As a side note - Financial Puzzle offers completely free or highly discounted rates to all active duty military.  Please send a private message if you qualify)

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